Friday, August 21, 2009

A Summer's Productive Work Well Done

So at the beginning of the summer I was taught how to use Publisher, and a few months work worth of silly puns, free time, and back-breaking dedication has produced these gems. I didn't come up with most of the ideas - brainstorming with a talented team of writers at The Works and on road trips took care of the only hard part for me - so I can't take full credit for these. If you have any ideas for more please tell me in the comments!

Sir John A Macdonald had a Farm

Yosemite Samuel de Champlain

Sir John Franklin the Turtle

This last one came from a story Lilly was telling about her pets named Sid, Thor, and Spock. I put this together for the benefit of the people who were in on the joke, but it turned into one of my favourites of all the silliness I have accomplished this summer. I hope there is a certain populist charm to the abject tomfoolery of it though, so that all can enjoy:

Also! If I have time today I'm going to get going on my first history-based post. I'll be tackling the gruesome but often hilarious in hindsight Coppermine Expedition of 1819-1822. It was the first of Franklin's arctic explorations, not quite so famous as his last, but equally as harrowing. More so even because some of people on this expedition lived to tell the tale, rather than dissapearing in the Great White and leaving up to scientists in the 1980s to piece it all together. I'm not sure just what it is about Franklin that I find so intrigueing, other than a love of winter and Stan Rogers, but the Coppermine Expedition is a barrel of laughs that involves freezing to death (I hope!), eating your own boots because the fur trading companies are screwing you over, and some light cannibalism.

If you have anything you would like me to delve into, let me know.

Snuggly and Sincerely,

Your friend Lina

Monday, August 17, 2009

It begins. . . .

Well hello, boys and girls!

Here it is, the inaugural post. I'll be posting on this little corner of the internet during my upcoming year on exchange at the University of Bristol, letting the cool cats know about the hips and haps.

One of my dearest friends also suggested a quite topping idea this weekend while we were luxuriating on my dock at the cottage, which would tie together my love of tedious historical conversation, trivia, and "Can't we just talk to each other like friends would?". She suggested that before, during, and after my sojourn abroad I could take suggestions of interesting historical people, facts, time periods, trends from everyone out there in home-land, research them a tad, present them in a, hopefully, amusing fashion. You know how I often hate public history? Well then, I'll create some of my own.

So, that's the purpose of my little Beyond-Boundingly Forward space. Hope you enjoy.


Your friend Lina

P.S. The title of this missive depository comes from an "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" sketch, so I suppose all credit goes to them.